How to Remodel Your Home at Little to No Cost

See below for ways to fix up your home, bathroom, or kitchen without spending a lot. Use these programs before they’re gone. 

Federal and State Grants

Homeowners in America can get a free grant to fix up their bathrooms. Read on to learn more about this and other programs. Many people live on a tight budget. Sometimes, unexpected home repairs can be tough to handle. But, there are programs and grants to help. Fixing up a home can make it safer and more comfortable, especially for older adults. It can also save energy and cut down on bills. Here’s a list of places that offer help: 

State repair programs

In California, there are programs to help people with low incomes fix their homes. Some cities, like Richmond, have special loan programs for these repairs. Most US states also have programs to help with weather-related home fixes.

State weatherization programs

There are programs, like the ones in California, to help homes handle weather changes. These programs can help with things like windows, heating, and insulation. 

Earthquake brace and bolt (EBB)

In California, there’s a program called Earthquake Brace and Bolt. It gives up to $3,000 to help homes be safer in earthquakes. 

Home energy update assistance programs

There are programs to help lower energy bills. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program is one of them. It helps with costs and makes homes more energy-efficient. 

Sliding scale and reduced fee contractor services

Some workers offer special prices for older adults. Always ask about discounts when you call for estimates. 


Some insurance plans might help pay for home changes. Check your plan to see. 

Medicare & Medicaid

Medicare & Medicaid don’t pay for home changes, but they might pay for medical items your doctor says you need. 

Other repair resources

Groups like Habitat for Humanity help fix homes for older adults and others. In California, there are groups like Rebuilding Together and the PacifiCorp Foundation that help too. 


Fixing up your home doesn’t always have to be expensive. There are many programs and grants that can help. Whether you’re an older adult or just need some help paying, these resources can make your home safer and more comfortable.