The Smart Daily The Smart Daily is full of knowledge that you need to know now. We provide our readers with information to help with life's most important decisions. Fri, 26 Mar 2021 02:12:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Smart Daily 32 32 How To Educate Your Kids In Saving Money Fri, 28 May 2021 02:09:55 +0000 Teaching your child to save money at an early age is probably one of the best things you can do to prepare them for adulthood. As a parent, it is your responsibility to train your kids how to responsibly handle their finances, especially during their formative years. The question is, how can you teach your […]

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Teaching your child to save money at an early age is probably one of the best things you can do to prepare them for adulthood. As a parent, it is your responsibility to train your kids how to responsibly handle their finances, especially during their formative years.

The question is, how can you teach your children this important financial lesson?

Truth be told, many parents think that their kids will eventually learn how to manage their money when they grow a bit older. Saving money, however, is a habit that will take years to practice so it’s best to financially arm them with the right skills and knowledge that will help them navigate life.

In this blog post, learn how to effectively educate kids about money.

The Difference Between ‘Wants’ and ‘Needs’

While you may want to give your children the finer things in life, setting the line between “wants” and “needs” is a must to help them understand the value of money. Start by explaining their basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter. On the other hand, all the extras, including their toys and gadgets, are considered wants.

Earning Money

Earning and saving money goes hand in hand. Thus, a child who knows how much hard work it takes to make money can easily learn how to be financially smart. According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, two-thirds of parents pay their children an average of $30 per week for doing at least five-hours of chores.

Saving Goals

Once you have established the concepts above, it’s time to teach your kids to set their saving goals. For instance, if your child wants to buy a $50 toy, discuss how much they need to save per week and how long it will take them to reach that goal. So, if they can save at least $10 from their five-day school allowance for five consecutive weeks, they can have enough money by the end of the given period.

Where to Save

Now that your child’s saving goals are clear, provide them with a safe place to stash their cash. Younger kids may put their money in a sealed piggy bank while the older ones may deposit their cash at a local bank. Ask them to keep a tally board so they can see their progress.

How Much They Spend

Does your child know how much they are spending in a day? Ask your child to list down all their expenses in a day. Once they have added up all their purchases, make sure that they understand which items are necessary or not. It can be an eye-opening experience for them, especially if they are now starting to save up for their goals.


Everyone likes free money, even kids. Thus, establishing a monetary incentive system can help you encourage them to reach their goals. For example, you may reward your child with extra cash whenever they hit the $10-mark. It will not only help them succeed with their goals but it can also motivate them to be more consistent in saving up money.

Room For Mistakes

Mistakes are bound to happen, especially for beginners. If your kids fail to reach their target amount, don’t let such a failure discourage them. Make sure that they understand what went wrong and how they can avoid it next time.

Be a Role Model

If your children often see you on a shopping spree, you can’t expect them to value money. Set a good example by showing them how you are saving up for retirement, emergencies, or other financial goals.

Instilling financial lessons to your kids is way more important than you think; it’s something that they can use to succeed and thrive in life. Make sure that they are equipped with all the knowledge and skills they will need to have a bright financial future by following these tips.

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Simple Ways to Pay Off Debt Fast Tue, 25 May 2021 02:07:26 +0000 Debt is any money that you owe to someone else. Most people who owe money are living in denial that they are facing a big problem. Most often dismiss the fact by saying that their situation is not that bad. However, debt is a huge problem because it steals your money both now and from […]

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Debt is any money that you owe to someone else. Most people who owe money are living in denial that they are facing a big problem. Most often dismiss the fact by saying that their situation is not that bad.

However, debt is a huge problem because it steals your money both now and from the future. Fortunately, there are various ways for paying off your debt faster so you can get financial freedom. Here are 5 tips to help you.

  1. Know How Much Debt You Owe

First things first, know how much you owe. Have a list of all your debts, whether it is unpaid student loans, auto loans, or credit cards. After you have categorized everything, calculate your debt to income ratio to know how much exactly you owe. You can do this manually or find websites that will help you calculate the amounts for you.

  1. Examine the Factors that Caused Your Current Financial Woes

It is important to know the roots of your debt problem to get rid of it permanently. If not, you will likely repeat the same mistakes even after making significant financial gains. Some people incur debts due to factors they can’t control, such as medical bills, job loss, or school expenses.

After realizing what caused the pile-up of your debts, you have to make sure that you don’t allow the same mistakes to happen again.

  • Study your lifestyle. Can you continue living the way you are from your salary? If not, then it’s time to figure out what things to give up and how you can start living within your means.
  • If you have accumulated debts after losing a job, you have to double your effort to save once you have found another job. This way, you will have more money allotted for emergency funds. Also, you will have money to spend even after losing another job so that you wouldn’t need to borrow from anyone.
  • If you have unpaid student loans for a bachelor’s degree, start paying the debts before thinking about taking another loan for a Ph.D.
  1. Have a Budget

Once you know how much debt you owe, it is now time to come up with a budget to figure out your income and expenses. By having a budget, you will be able to keep track of your income and expenses as you work toward clearing your debt. You should also build an emergency fund to prevent you from getting into more debt.

  1. Pay as Much as You Can Each Month

If you want to pay off your debts faster, a good strategy is to pay as much as possible each month. Once you have created an emergency fund, use the rest of the funds to pay the debt fast. You can also take advantage of any extra earnings to clear your debts so you will be free of your obligations.

  1. Get a Side Hustle

You need money to pay off your debt. Therefore, you need to get a side hustle to supplement your income. Another way that can help accelerate your payoff is working over time. Although this can be difficult and straining at first, it will help you clear your debts overtime.

Once you have achieved the goal, you can slowly ease out by having one full-time job or money-making venture to sustain your daily expenses.

It is also a good idea to start working smarter. Sometimes, it’s not about the number of jobs you have but the effort you put into your current job. Working smart will help you get promoted and you will get a higher income. This is a faster way to relieve yourself from debts.


These are some of the ways that you can use to pay off debt faster. If you still can’t get out of debt as fast as you would like, consider getting help. Some ways to get debt relief include bankruptcy, debt management plans, and debt relief options. Once you are out of debt, try as much as possible not to use debt again.

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Factors to Consider Before Buying a House Sat, 22 May 2021 02:04:38 +0000 Buying a house is one of the processes where huge investment is involved. You need to purchase a house that meets your dreams. However, finding the best house to buy can be a daunting task. With too many options, you might get overwhelmed. You need to consider several factors if you want to buy the […]

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Buying a house is one of the processes where huge investment is involved. You need to purchase a house that meets your dreams. However, finding the best house to buy can be a daunting task.

With too many options, you might get overwhelmed. You need to consider several factors if you want to buy the right house. Also, considering these factors, you will have a stress-free house-buying experience.


You need to ensure that the house you want to purchase is in an ideal location. Do your research and consider whether you will be comfortable living in that location for the rest of your life. You can consult your family to understand how they feel about the house’s location.

When considering this factor, ensure that you buy a house near your working place. That way, you will save on transportation costs to your work. Remember that choosing a house in a good location makes it a profitable investment. If everyone is comfortable with where the house is located, you can consider purchasing it.


Whenever you want to buy a house, consider the friendliness of its neighborhood. The last thing you would want is a house whose neighbors are involved in illegal matters or will influence you negatively. It is advisable to visit the neighborhood at different times of the day to assess its friendliness. You can talk to some of the neighbors to get their views about the neighborhood.


Your finances will determine the type of house you buy. You should draft a budget depending on your financial ability. However, as much as you want an affordable house, ensure that its features will suit your goals. If you cannot pay upfront for a house, you can look for a suitable payment plan.

Type of the House

Depending on your taste and preferences, you can choose among different house types, including bungalows, condominiums, and apartments. The design of your dream house is also an essential factor to ponder.

Ensure that you pick a house with an attractive design that suits your lifestyle. Here, you may look at the materials, size, and landscaping factors. Buy a house you will be happy to live in for the rest of your life.

Condition and Age of the House

Buy a house that is in good condition. You would not want to purchase a house only to invest too much in renovating it. If you have to buy an old house, ensure that you evaluate the cost of its renovation. That way, you will not feel cheated while renovating it.

However, buying a new house can also come with its disadvantages since you might not notice faults such as leaking roofs. Ensure that you do a proper inspection to avoid frustrations after buying the house. You can hire a professional property inspector to evaluate the condition of the house you wish to purchase.


The size of your dream house might be determined by the size of your family, your finances, and your lifestyle. Ensure that the size of the house you purchase will cater to your family’s needs and match your budget.

The Potential for Future Changes

As much as you are looking for a dream home, you might not find one with the exact features you wish. In that case, you will need to customize your home to match your personal interests. If, for example, you would want to change the kitchen design, ensure there is room for that project.

Final Words

If you have wished to own a dream house, these factors will be helpful. You now understand the factors that will give you a smooth house-buying journey.

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Beginners Guide on Investing Wed, 19 May 2021 02:01:48 +0000 Suppose you are an employee, businessman, professional, or pensioner looking for more effective ways to multiply your savings aside from letting it sit in your bank account forever. In that case, you are on the right page. You indeed have thought about what an investment is and the ideal investments you can focus on using […]

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Suppose you are an employee, businessman, professional, or pensioner looking for more effective ways to multiply your savings aside from letting it sit in your bank account forever. In that case, you are on the right page. You indeed have thought about what an investment is and the ideal investments you can focus on using your pocket money or savings.

However, you should know about investments because they are merely earning opportunities and should not be seen as an immediate source of income. If you think investing is such a broad, complex term, here is a simple beginner’s investment guide.

Investment Simplified

Investing in stocks, real estate, commodities, foreign exchange, cryptocurrencies, and many more is like planting a seed and waiting for the best time to harvest the fruits. The seed is your money, and the fruits are your gains. But the most brilliant investors are those who can handle the risks it entails.

Investments aren’t just all about gaining from profits to profits— it is also all about managing your risks, patching up your losses, monitoring your portfolio, and staying updated on current events. It requires skill, discipline, endurance, and mental composure to withstand the cons that come with it. If you really are into it, you need to educate yourself first and know what type of investor you want to be.

Short-term Investor

If you are looking for an active source of income, then short-term investing is for you. Short-term investments are for people who no longer have a full-time job. This is perfect for elderly people who receive their pension every month and can regularly deposit their savings on a specific timeframe. Seniors who are staying home all day can easily monitor their investments and stay updated by watching live news on TV.

However, always remember that short-term investing requires more skill and planning compared to long-term investing. You are trading daily, and the market’s volatility can impact your money’s value every minute. Thus, to avoid financial losses, use your free time in doing a lot of research about strategies and techniques (such as diversification) to minimize your risks.

Long-term Investor

This buy-and-hold kind of investment is perfect for people who have full-time jobs. Full-time employees do not have plenty of time to research and monitor their portfolios. They have stable income sources to prioritize; so, monitoring their investment’s growth every minute or every hour would only distract them from their jobs. Thus, by being a long-term investor, they will be able to let their money sit on their portfolio for a long time (five, ten, or twenty years) and depend on the inflation rate’s impact on the market’s value.

Factors that can affect an asset’s value can be anything from political issues to natural events such as increasing birth rates, weather conditions, and many more. The best thing about being a long-term investor is that you will be facing lower risks than short-term investing. However, this requires more patience than short-term investing because It takes a long time to gain satisfactory returns.

Also, even though being a long-term investor is less stressful, you will have less control over your invested money because you are dealing with a longer timeframe. This only means you cannot withdraw your money anytime you need it. So, only choose this path when you are ready to store your money in your trading platform for years. Never use your emergency funds for this.

Final Words

Earning from your investments requires time. The returns are not consistent and immediate. Thus, by being patient and by understanding the pros and cons it entails, you will eventually master the entirety of it.

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How to Budget When You Are Behind on Bills Sun, 16 May 2021 01:56:44 +0000 Even having a day job won’t guarantee financial stability. Truth be told, many people are still struggling to make ends meet while living a decent and comfortable life. The problem arises, however, when they fail to pay the bills or settle a long-standing debt. It’s hard to imagine how they can recuperate from being flat […]

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Even having a day job won’t guarantee financial stability. Truth be told, many people are still struggling to make ends meet while living a decent and comfortable life. The problem arises, however, when they fail to pay the bills or settle a long-standing debt. It’s hard to imagine how they can recuperate from being flat broke with little to no savings.

While recovering from a financial hiccup may seem impossible at first, you still have a chance to turn things around and get back up.

In today’s blog post, learn how to budget your resources when you have bills piling up your table.

Create a List of the Bills You Need to Settle

Being organized and systematic can help you get back on track, even though everything seems hopeless. Get the ball rolling by listing down the bills that you have failed to settle and how much you need to earn to settle them. Next, compare your current budget with your late payments. Ask yourself which items on your list can be cleared out or not.

Prioritize the Bills

There’s no other way to get out of this messy situation but to pay the bills you have previously failed to pay. To do so, identify which of these tabs should be prioritized. As a rule of thumb, make sure to put your mortgage or rent payment first, followed by your utility bills. It’s important to ensure that you will always have a roof above your head in this kind of situation.

After paying the mortgage or lease your car payment should come next to see to it that you won’t have a hard time going to work.

The last thing on your list should be your credit card bills. Of course, this will ultimately affect your credit standing, but at least you won’t be worrying about being homeless.

Keep a Strict Budget

The last thing to do when you have a long list of overdue bills is to spend your hard-earned money on a shopping spree. At this point, you need to make sure that every penny counts. Go back to your monthly budget and figure out how to minimize your expenses.

To illustrate, preparing home meals instead of dining in restaurants may help you cut down costs, especially if it consumes a big portion of your salary. Suspending your travel activities and other leisure activities may also help you catch up with your pending bills.

Set Up a Plan With Your Creditors

While it can be quite intimidating to talk to your creditors, informing them of your situation and how much you can pay them monthly can give you more time to settle your bills. Many companies provide flexible payment plans to help you pay for your debt.

Learn How to Earn Extra Cash

Think of how you can make extra money to pay your bills. For example, you may sell unused clothes, bags, and other items just sitting in your closet to earn cash. You may also use your skills in cooking and baking to sell goodies to your friends or colleagues.

Moreover, to get control of your finances right away, consider looking for a second job that pays the minimum wage. Of course, doing so will be quite exhausting, but it’s one of the best ways to manage your late payments.

Final Words

Follow these tips to get back on your feet fast. Once you have found a way out of this tricky situation, make sure to start saving for emergencies. Having a backup fund is always important to avoid drowning in debts and unpaid bills.

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How Millionaires Construct Passive Income Thu, 13 May 2021 01:53:09 +0000 Being a millionaire has never been a walk in the park for most people. Many people dream of being millionaires, but just a few manage to achieve this dream. This is because it is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and good strategic planning. Relying on salary alone is not enough to make one a […]

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Being a millionaire has never been a walk in the park for most people. Many people dream of being millionaires, but just a few manage to achieve this dream. This is because it is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and good strategic planning. Relying on salary alone is not enough to make one a millionaire. You will have to strategize other avenues through which you will earn income.

According to the Internal Revenue Service(IRS), the two main passive income sources are rental property and businesses where one is not participating actively. There are many ways through which millionaires construct passive income.

This article highlights some of the ways through which millionaires construct passive income. Here are how millionaires construct their passive income:

Rental Income

Rental properties are common features the world over. Investing in rentals is one of the most effective ways through which one can earn passive income. According to John H. Graves, an Accredible Investment Fiduciary(AIF) in Los Angeles and author of ‘The 7% Solution:

You Can Afford a Comfortable Retirement, one should always have time to understand how to make rental properties a profitable venture. He says you must determine the following three things:

  • The investment return you want
  • The total expenses and cost of the property
  • Financial risks of the rental property

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing helps promote a third party’s product by social media influencers, bloggers, and website owners. Some of the common affiliate partners include Amazon, ShareAShare, eBay, and Awin. You can also bring attention to your blog by growing an email list.

A site owner will earn a commission when a visitor clicks and makes a purchase through a third-party affiliate link. The commission mostly ranges from 3% to 7%. Thus you can generate good incomes as a marketing affiliate. You can increase your earning by owning a lucrative niche such as financial services or software.

Selling Information Products

The establishment of an information product is another popular way through which one can make passive income. These products include audio/video courses or e-book. You can also sell courses through sites like Skillshare, Coursera, and Udemy. Information products enable one to make money after the initial time outlay easily.

Flip retail products

Many people have become millionaires by taking advantage of online platforms such as Amazon and eBay and selling the products which they find elsewhere at cut-rate prices. You can take advantage of the differences in price between what an average consumer can find and what you can find. You can improve this by hiring a contact who can assist you get discounted merchandise which very few people can find. For success in this, you will have to be familiar with the market to avoid buying goods at a higher price.

Dividend Stocks

Companies that have dividend-yielding stocks pay shareholders at regular intervals. You only need to own the stock and start receiving cash dividends from the company on a quarterly basis from their profits.

Dividends are usually paid per stock share; thus, the more stocks you own, the higher the payout you will receive. It is one of the best passive income-generating avenues as money will just be credited into your brokerage account without you struggling.


REIT refers to a real estate investment trust. It is a name for a company owning and managing real estate. They have a unique structure that enables them not to pay or pay little income tax. You can purchase it on the stock market, and you will earn dividends paid by the REITs.

Most of the REITs increase their dividends annually. This guarantees you a growing stream in dividends with time. To maximize your passive income and avoid losses, you will have to choose a more reliable REIT.

Final Words

Earning money from scratch to become a millionaire can be quite challenging. However, it is not an impossible feat with a steady stream of revenues from passive income. Hopefully, you get a better idea of how millionaires build theirs so that you can follow suit in the future.

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Steps You Can Take to Avoid Credit Card Issues Mon, 10 May 2021 01:49:30 +0000 A credit card is an electronic payment system where you can pay for goods and services based on an agreement with the credit card issuing company. The agreement binds you to pay the amount you have used in addition to some agreed facility fee. In other words, your credit card allows you to borrow funds […]

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A credit card is an electronic payment system where you can pay for goods and services based on an agreement with the credit card issuing company. The agreement binds you to pay the amount you have used in addition to some agreed facility fee. In other words, your credit card allows you to borrow funds from a financial institution or bank that issued the card.

You can use your card at merchant outlets that accept cards from your company; for example, you can use your American Express card at an outlet that accepts it. Careless usage of your card can give you a poor credit score. Here are some steps to consider to avoid credit card issues:

1. Pay your Bill on a Monthly Basis

Track your spending in a given month and settle your credit card debt once you receive your paycheck. Paying off your credit card bill will help improve your credit score is a great way. This will check rollover charges from being applied to your account.

2. Do Not Lend Out Your Credit Card

Always insist on being the only one to use your credit card. Do not share your pin with anybody else. Sharing your credit card information with another person may result in charges and expenditures that you had not planned for.

3. Live By Your Means

Always stick to what you can afford. You may often be tempted to pay for an item that you cannot afford using our credit cards by rationalizing that you can settle the debt over some time. This is risky because future income is sometimes not certain. If an item is too expensive to afford at the moment, it is just wise to start saving for it rather than simply fishing out your credit card.

4. Avoid Taking Out Credit Card Cash Advance

Unless you critically need cash, do not take a cash advance on your credit card. This is the most expensive transaction you can make with your credit card. You are facing high-interest rates and transaction fees that may send you into a financial abyss that may be hard to recover from.

5. Understand Your Credit Card Company’s Terms And Conditions

Before starting to use your credit card, it is important to understand all the terms that come with it. This will prevent future conflict with your company. Reading and understanding all the terms will also help you choose a service that best suits you.

6. Cut Down the Number of Credit Cards that You Own

Subscribing to a host of credit cards puts you in danger of getting into huge debts. It is important that you use only one or two credit cards because it will make it easier for you to manage your bills at the end of the month. Keep what is just necessary for you.

7. Work on a Budget

Making a monthly budget will help to reduce unnecessary expenditure on your credit card. Sticking to your budget will also reduce expensive impulsive shopping.

8. Manage Your Credit Usage

Always ensure not to exceed 40% of your available credit limit. This will make it simpler to repay your debt; it is easier to pay off smaller debts. Using out your entire credit card limit may cause problems in settling the loan.

Final Words

Using a credit card requires a lot of financial discipline. Conditioning oneself to manage the available resources is security against many problems. Following the steps mentioned above will help maintain a positive credit score. Having no credit card issues will help you access funds when you are really in need of them.

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Best Personal Finance Apps to Check Out Fri, 07 May 2021 01:45:18 +0000 Managing finances is a tough thing to do. It is even more difficult for parents who work extensively and do not have the time to browse and check their money all the time. But with the rise of technology, it seems that everything can be done with ease and in a lesser time allotment. Financing […]

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Managing finances is a tough thing to do. It is even more difficult for parents who work extensively and do not have the time to browse and check their money all the time. But with the rise of technology, it seems that everything can be done with ease and in a lesser time allotment. Financing is not an exception.

The emergence of different personal finance applications helps adults to manage their finances easily and without worries. They can track down the situation of their money without going through a lot of processes.

Here are some of the best personal finance apps that are worth checking out:

You Need a Budget (YNAB)

This personal finance application keeps the money well-balanced. This is through adjusting the user’s budget categories either when there is an overspending or under budgeted expenditure. This is suited for adults who have difficulty monitoring their expenditures.

Users can see the amount being spent so that they are notified of the situation. This can be done by applying the imported transactions to the budget category. There are also structured details of the monthly expenditures, which is great to improve the management of the money in the future. There is a free trial for the application that lasts for 34 days.


Prism employs a quality of a good financier. It can track down finances that is beneficial for the users who have limited time checking their money. Bills can be managed by inputting them into the application.

Notifications or reminders make it even better because it prevents issues when it comes to payments. Aside from these reminders, the app can be directly used to pay the bills on or ahead of the scheduled payment. Hence, adults can pay for bills much easier and safer.


This application helps individuals to check the status of their expenditure. It is very helpful so that they can budget their money based on what they have left. Also, it would aid in planning the amount of money they will have to spend in the future. There are charts included in Mobills to organize the finances and make adjustments for uncertain situations efficiently.

The application can be accessed in a free version, but not all features are opened. On the other hand, a Premium subscription enables the user to gain access to every feature the application has.

Clarity Money

Clarity Money does not just monitor an individual’s use of money. It greatly helps in providing advice on how to manage finances better, which is advantageous for parents. This application helps them to earn money by having regular savings.

It creates a chance to build a goal for a better financing ability. It stretches the mind of the users to earn and save money for their families. Multiple savings can be done for different purposes. In this way, the money is well-distributed and budgeted in a good way.


One of the popular personal finance apps is Mint. It directs towards good management of finances once the debit or credit cards are already linked. It illustrates the way how the user spends money and where they spend it.

This application also allows building a personal budget plan depending on how the user wants to manage his/her money—a good choice for parents who wish to create a budget plan.

Personal Capital

This application covers a wide range of financial management. Aside from monitoring the user’s spending behavior, it also aids in checking assets and investments. More features of this application can be accessed in the tablet version.

Interestingly, Personal Capital also imparts recommendations through financial advisors that are professionals and registered in their fields. They can navigate an individual’s goals to be effective and more realistic, especially for parents who are just starting a family.

Final Words

Managing finances requires commitment and time. But through various personal finance applications, it is easier to monitor the movement of money. These applications will greatly help adults like parents to teach them about finances. It will not be a burden to check out the finances’ status by manually writing them down. It also gives direction on how to spend and save properly.

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How Diet and Nourishment Affect Your Child’s Learning Capacity Tue, 04 May 2021 01:42:05 +0000 The quality of our children’s food intake is a crucial aspect of their academic success. Unfortunately, many of the food items available in our schools are potentially inhibiting children’s learning ability. A good source of diet and nourishment, on the other hand, can be very beneficial for our children, especially on their academic performance. To […]

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The quality of our children’s food intake is a crucial aspect of their academic success. Unfortunately, many of the food items available in our schools are potentially inhibiting children’s learning ability. A good source of diet and nourishment, on the other hand, can be very beneficial for our children, especially on their academic performance.

To know more about how diet and nourishment affect your child’s learning capacity, continue reading this article for more valuable information.

Benefits of Diet and Nourishment to a Child’s Learning Capacity

Here are the positive benefits of a balanced and healthy diet and nourishment to a child’s learning capacity:

  • Increase Brain Function

Our brains perform best when we eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Foods rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients nurture and protect the brain from harmful oxidative stress.

Zinc is also very important for our brain function. It plays a crucial role during the axonal and synaptic transmission process. Zinc deficiency has been known to be related to impairment in DNA and RNA. Studies have also reported that zinc deficiency during pregnancy can even result in abnormalities in the child’s nervous system.

Green and leafy vegetables can boost brain function because they are high in carotenoids. On the contrary, foods that are high in added sugar are also not recommended for our children; it can cause a crash in children’s brain function, leaving them hard to concentrate.

  • Promotes Better Classroom Behavior

According to studies, students who eat well at home arrive at school feeling ready and prepared. And, students who consume a variety of nutrients are more likely to have fewer absences and attend class more often because they have a better physical condition.

Other studies also show that a low-quality diet can lead to behavioral problems. Besides leaving children with difficulty in concentrating, foods with high-added sugar also leave our children with mood swings. This, of course, can affect our children’s learning capacity.

Skipping breakfast can also negatively affect children’s classroom behavior. One study shows that skipping breakfast makes school tasks more mentally demanding for children, especially when the task requires working with their memory. The same thing applies to children with low-quality diets in general.

  • Positive Academic Outcome

To avoid behavioral and cognitive issues and achieve a positive academic outcome, we can regularly feed our children nutritious foods. Having nutritious foods regularly will help our children perform better in the classroom. The combination of a good diet and high-quality will certainly stimulate our children’s learning capacity, which hopefully results in a better grade.

Studies find that improving the consistency of students’ diets leads to on-time task submission, higher math test scores, and probably better reading assessment results. Furthermore, researchers suggest that limiting the availability of carbonated drinks in school vending machines and replacing them with healthy beverages may positively impact children’s academic outcomes.


The food found in our schools’ cafeteria is often packed with sugar, sodium, and other additives that can negatively affect our children’s performance in the classroom. As a result, we must pay attention to our children’s diet and nourishment.

However, we must provide our children with high-quality food during the school years and even during pregnancy. Adequate nourishment during pregnancy, especially on fatty acids, protein, and other micronutrients, provides an important basis for children’s brain development.

Furthermore, malnutrition has a detrimental effect on our children’s ability to learn. The World Bank reported that the effect of malnutrition could be seen during a child’s teenage years. One notable consequence is a deficit in the child’s cognitive capacity.

Finally, having a well-balanced diet and nourishment will help our children learn more effectively. It will improve their cognitive function and classroom attitudes, resulting in a better academic outcome.

The post How Diet and Nourishment Affect Your Child’s Learning Capacity appeared first on The Smart Daily.

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How Important Is Technology for Education in the Future? Sat, 01 May 2021 01:38:10 +0000 Who would have thought anyone could study from home last 10 to 15 years ago? Since the concept of study from home started, it constantly has grown rapidly, and the pandemic (COVID-19) gave it a boost that changed the education landscape forever. Thanks to technology, most students didn’t have to skip classes while the world […]

The post How Important Is Technology for Education in the Future? appeared first on The Smart Daily.

Who would have thought anyone could study from home last 10 to 15 years ago? Since the concept of study from home started, it constantly has grown rapidly, and the pandemic (COVID-19) gave it a boost that changed the education landscape forever. Thanks to technology, most students didn’t have to skip classes while the world is trying to contain the pandemic.

Technology as a Tool in Education

The human’s attention span is shrinking for both old and young. Technology seems to have given speed to almost every aspect of life. Traditional teaching has always been teacher-centered; homework will be given to students, and the teacher will check it the next day.

Throughout the day, teachers will be presenting new content mostly guided by the curriculum and official textbooks now it is flipped. Students learn new content out of class through educational videos and other technologies.

The old method of teaching is like a box limited literally in a physical classroom and in the scope of content as it relies on textbooks. Technology advances, and educators finally accept that it should be incorporated to come up with creative solutions like using videos and PowerPoint in presenting lessons that promote engagement among the students.

Benefits of Technology in Teaching

  • Expansive reach

    Through educational videos and other means like infographics, more students can be reached, even those that are without access to classroom learning.

  • Increases student engagement

    When a teacher brings a projector rather than a box of chalks, students will already take notice. An interactive presentation is key in getting the students’ attention and participation, which improves learning outcomes.

  • Helps build soft skills

    When students become engaged with the discussion, it develops their interpersonal skills such as creative thinking and teamwork.

  • Learning never stops

    Unlike before that only a few would stay in the library to learn more, today anyone with a mobile phone with access to the internet can tap the online “library.” Unlimited information has never been this accessible.

Technology is Now Part of Education

As technology advances, educators find more uses for it in the classroom and for remote learning. What considered distractions before, such as cellular phones, tablets, and other mobile devices, became the learning tools.

Those who skipped schools for different reasons now have the means to continue their education without giving up their careers at their most convenient time and place. A lot of online schools proliferated in the last decade; just assess and choose those that are with credibility.

Technology for Education in the Future

At this point, technology can no longer be considered just a mere tool for education. It became an integral part of it. The possibilities are endless, advances will be made, and better applications will be discovered.

Chatbots for education have gained traction and are now considered great tools to improve learning. The advanced algorithm of this software can even predict when a student is about to forget, and it automatically reminds students to optimize memorization.

Soon people will not even be able to imagine learning without technology.

Final Words

Some may see it as pervasive, but there’s no denying that the benefits of technology as aids to learning cannot be denied for as long as these innovations are used in tandem with educational psychology. In the end, keeping the students at the core of education is what matters.

Actually, a lot of individuals from this new generation have already made the leap. Most successful entrepreneurs right now didn’t learn from school but through free information online.

Education is evolving with technology and will wait for no one.

The post How Important Is Technology for Education in the Future? appeared first on The Smart Daily.

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